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Best Options for Shipping to South Korea From Canada

Written by Timothy Byrnes | March 09, 2019

Shipping Options from Canada to South Korea under CKFTA

Trade between Canada and South Korea (ROK) will continue to grow as Canadian and Korean firms benefit from the Korean-Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA). This free trade agreement eliminates virtually all duty on Canadian goods sent to Korea. Canadian companies rely on low options for shipping to South Korea from Canada. The Republic of Korea (ROK) is a promising country for Canadian exporters with an economy focusing more on technology-intensive industries to drive growth.

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Canadian-Korean Free Trade Agreement

  • Most of Canada’s exports to Korea benefit from duty-free import.
  • For many products still subject to duties in Korea, preferential tariff treatment offers lower tariffs.
  • Full implementation of CKFTA is will occur in 2032 At this time elimination of Korean tariffs will apply to over 99% of Canadian exports.

Get a Canadian Address to Receive Goods and Ship to Korea

Get a MyUS address type of service to South Korea from Canada

If you're considering using a package forwarding service to shop from North America but want an alternative to US-based options like MyUS, a Canadian address could be the perfect solution.

Choosing Canada over the US brings access to Canadian suppliers, access to North American goods and products exclusive to Canada. Avoid trade limitations of a US address by finding Free Trade North American Alternatives.

This international shipping guide explores of the main elements of international shipping between Canada and South Korea / ROK.

  • Best way - or mode - of shipping internationally from Canda to Korea
  • Shipping cargo to Korea
  • Shipping via air freight and sea freight to Korea
  • Shipping packages and parcels to Korea from Canada
  • Carrier options for parcels to South Korea from Canada
  • Korean Customs import processes and costs
  • Be sure you have complete consignee information prior to shipping
  • Carrier options for shipping TO Canada from South Korea
  • Common Canadian import fees
  • Possibilities for duty free import to South Korea via CKFTA
  • Shipping text books and supplies to Canadian International Schools
  • Information necessary for shipping quote between Korea and Canada
  • Canadian customs assessment and revenue management system (CARM)

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is for general information only

Options ShippingTo South Korea From Canada

What is the cheapest way to ship to South Korea?

Canada post surface options are usually the cheapest option for shipping to Korea.

What does it cost to send a package to South Korea?

The cost to send a package to South Korea depends on the size and weight of the package. The is as low as around $42 for up to 4 pounds via Canada Post small packet surface. Canada Post is the best option for individuals shipping personal items to South Korea.

Shipping via a commercial carrier can average around $170 for up to 10 pounds. The price depends on the level of discount and address in South Korea.

Ship to South Korea and around the world

Choose from our various worldwide shipping services to ship from Canada. Fast options with economy air and ocean for commercial orders.

There are several shipping options available for sending goods from Canada to South Korea. The best option depends on your shipment The main factor affecting shipping cost is the size and weight of your shipment. Other factors affecting cost include speed of transit, nature of goods and delivery address. Here are some common shipping options that you might consider:

  • Air freight: This is the fastest shipping option with door to door solutions.
  • Ocean freight: Best option for shipping full container load (FCL) and large bulk orders to Korea.
  • Commercial carriers such as FedEx, DHL,UPS and their partners.
  • Postal services: Canada Post is generally the best for personal items.

Shipping cargo to South Korea from Canada

Larger commercial shipments be ship via economy air or sea freight. Air shipments delivery in around 1 week. Ocean cargo averages between 1 to 2 months door to door transit. Vancouver is the major Canadian port for cargo to South Korea.

LCL Sea Freight to Korea.

Less than container load (LCL) is best when shipping one to several pallets from Canada. This sharing of container space and cost is efficient when shipping 1 to several pallets. Extra transit time is necessary for the loading and de-consolidation of the container.

FCL Sea Freight Canada to South Korea

Full container load (FCL) is the fastest way to ship via ocean to Korea. Choose between a 40 foot or 20 foot container.

Shipping Air versus Ocean Canada to Korea

With the many minimum surcharges for ocean shipments, shipping smaller consignments via air is cheaper. This is especially true for door to door shipping. Generally, shipments of less than around 200 kilograms are cheaper via air. Useful information: Shipping ocean to and from Canada.

Shipping personal parcels and commercial packages to Korea

The options for shipping international packages from Canada include the local post and global couriers.

Shipping to South Korea via Canada Post

Canada Post offers low cost delivery for individuals shipping small non-urgent packages to the Republic of Korea. Packages sent via Canada Post are import with delivery via Korea Post. The state provider of postal services in South Korea.

Canada Post delivery services to South Korea Include:
  • Small Packet: Surface, Air and with tracking
  • Parcel Surface
  • Xpresspost to South Korea: Delivery within 2 weeks

Shipping to South Korea via Purolator Courier

Purolator Courier, a subsidiary of Canada Post, offers international parcel delivery from Canada to South Korea via partners, such as UPS. Purolator is a division of Canada Post.

Shipping to South Korea via FedEx and UPS Canada

FedEx and UPS are the largest carriers in North America and, along with DHL, offer dependable international express shipping from Canada to South Korea.

FedEx and UPS Canada offer 2 basic parcel options to Korea:

  • International air/ priority parcel shipping to South Korea
  • International air/ economy parcel shipping to South Korea

Due to capacity restraints, carriers are suspending economy shipping options from Korea - and other Asia Pacific Countries - to Canada.

Shipping between South Korea and Canada via Jet Worldwide

Jet Worldwide: International shipping connections for over 40 years. Benefit for shipping parcels, pallets, air and ocean via Jet Worldwide.

  • Jet Worldwide offers transparency, logistics support and comparison shipping quotes

Jet Worldwide provides Canadian and global logistics. Our support refers to the various systems and services regarding the Korean Canadian movement of goods.

Shipping costs to South Korea via Jet Worldwide

Shipping from South Korea to Canada can be done by air or sea. Time, cost, and capacity are the key determinants. Utilize our consultation form to compare offers. You can easily do this with Jetship.

Shipping online order parcels from Canada to South Korea

South Korea is a growing shipping destination for Canadian e-commerce merchants using on-line market places. Get support for your Canadian removal orders and returns. Ship consolidations direct to South Korea from Canada and the USA.

Jet Worldwide offers low cost shipping from Canada to South Korea. For commercial shipments via air or ocean.

Customs Clearance in Korea for Goods sent from Canada

South Korea customs duty and taxes is on the CIF value. The total of the cost of the goods plus transportation and insurance. South Korea uses the Harmonize System. HS codes are necessary to assess the rate of duty.

Clearance of International Courier Shipments to Korea

As is the case for all international shipments, Korean Customs requires a clear commercial invoice. Most import aspects include the complete address of the receiver, a correct phone number and exact description and value of each item.

Customs tariff depend on HS Codes, Customs duties are on CIF value. The standard rate of tax (VAT) is 10%.

For shipments to Korea consignee identification is necessary

In the VAT/Tax ID field for Recipient (Ship TO) Address, one of the following is necessary for submission to customs:

  • If a Private Individual/Foreigner Address: 13 digit code with Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC), example: P123456789012 . Alternative: 8 digit birth date using format YYYYMMDD, example: 19891218
  • If a Company Address:10 digit VAT number

IMPORTANT: Do not enter a Korean registration number (civil registration number). Strong restrictions to sharing of personal data is per Korean privacy laws.

Include the Recipient’s Tax ID on the customs invoice.

It is important to verify compliance with the consignee/ importer and regulatory authorities prior to shipping to South Korea from Canada.

Shipping Terms to Consider When Shipping to Korea

The default option for shipping internationally from Canada is Delivery Duty Unpaid (DDU). Common carriers use the term Ex Works (EXW). This assigns all import costs to the receiver. Shippers from Canada can choose to pay the import fees on behalf of the receiver. Most commercial carriers offer a Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) option.

Understanding Incoterms and shipping terms. Import fees paid by the shipper are not recoverable.

Note that the importing business in Korea may be able to claim back Korea's value add tax.

International Shipments to Korea with a value under KRW 150 000

In South Korea, the “De minimis Value” is 150 000 KRW (around 170 CAD). Most imports under this value can import duty free.

Korean customs are very strict about screening such shipments. International shipments sent to Korea must have an accurate consignee address (including telephone number and email) and a concise description of the item.

Duty assessment is on a Cost-Insurance-Freight (CIF) basis. The main mode of customs value assessment is the transaction value method. Other methods under the WTO appraisement hierarchy may apply if there are doubts about Korean Customs valuation methods on the value declaration.

A Value Add Tax rate of 10 percent is applicable on imports on customs value plus duties.

Duty Free Clearance Canadian Parcels to Korea under CKFTA

Most Favour Nation (MFN) tariff rates are generally applicable for goods between South Korea and Canada. Goods that meet the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement(CKFTA) rules of origin can benefit from preferential duty free import. The MFN tariff rates of Canada and Korea apply to goods that do not meet the rules of origin (non-originating goods) under CKFTA.

Simply the purchasing of a good from South Korea or Canada does not necessarily qualify them as originating.

To benefit from tariff preferences in South Korea under CKFTA, Canadian exporters must ensure goods meet applicable rules of origin. The importer must have a valid certificate of origin in her or his possession at the time of importation.

Under the CKFTA, a product qualifies as originating if it meets one of the following conditions:

  • If it is in whole a product of Canada or South Korea.
  • Production in Canada or South Korea using materials that a complete product of either country.
  • It is a result of production in Canada or South Korea but using no origin materials. The value of the materials from the originating country with certain percentage of the value of the product. This percentage is the "regional value content" (RVC).
  • The production of the product must be traceable to determine that value of the originating materials .
Regional content and CKFTA Rules of Origin

The rules of origin for CKFTA are in two main categories: general rules and sector-specific rules.

  • General rules of origin: These apply to all products part of sector-specific rules. The general rules of origin require a minimum regional value content (RVC). The RVC percentage for CKFTA is 40%.
  • Sector-specific rules: These apply to certain products that have special treatment under CKFTA, such as textiles and apparel, and certain automotive products. These rules specify additional requirements to qualify for preferential treatment.

For example, textiles and apparel have sector-specific rules. The yarns and fabrics in the product must originate in Canada or South Korea. The cutting and sewing must be in Canada or South Korea. For automotive products, a minimum of 45% regional value content is necessary.

Read more: Understanding the difference of from where goods ship versus the country of origin of the goods.

Benefit of having a certificate of origin for Canada and South Korea customs

The country of origin determines if preferential duty free import can apply. The country of origin is also supports regulatory actions such as quarantine and import quotas.

Read more: Understanding a certificate of origin.

Helpful Link: CKFTA Certificate of Origin

Options for shipping Canada from South Korea

The options for shipping from South Korea to Canada include the Korean Post services. Postal services include Airmail International Parcel and EMS. Popular carriers include DHL, UPS and FedEx. Larger commercial orders ship via air freight and ocean freight.

UPS and FedEx Shipping Options from Korea to Canada Include

  • International air express to Canada from Korea
  • International economy air from Korea to Canada

Duty and taxes in Canada for shipments sent from Korea

Imports to Korea from Canada are subject to Canadian duty and taxes. Most imports under CAD 20 can clear free of duty and taxes. Shipments under CAD 3,300 from Korea can import via Canadian customs Low Value Shipment (LVS) processes. Carriers charge a disbursement fee that usually averages around CAD 20.

  • Up to CAD 20 and under: duty- and tax-free
  • Duty and taxes apply when importing goods over CAD 20

Common import fees for consignments ship via to Canada can include duty, taxes, and carrier fees.

Proof of origin requirements under Canada's free trade agreements

For imports not exceeding $3,300 to Canada, the proof of origin is not necessary. The importer to maintain records (for example, commercial invoice and B3) for all shipments. This applies even if the CBSA does not require a certification of origin at import.

Contact Jet's team for a quote for economy air shipping from South Korea and the APAC Region to Canada and North America.

Verify that the requirements certificate or origin and other supporting paperwork prior to shipping. Following successful duty free import, then larger shipments can then be more securely ship from Canada for import to South Korea.

CARM for Importing to Canada

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) portal streamlines the process of importing commercial goods. Read more about CARM

Shipping Text Books to Canadian International Schools

There are several Canadian international schools in South Korea that offer a Canadian curriculum for students. There are schools in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi-do. Jet Worldwide can receive, consolidate and ship Canadian text book orders direct to Korea.

Read More: Shipping Text Books and Supplies to Canadian International Schools

Get a Quote Shipping between Korea and Canada

Jet Worldwide makes it easy for companies seeking for spot quotes for economy air shipping between Canada and South Korea.