Canadian flag and CBSA CARM symbol

CARM:  Advancing Import Processing to Canada

Canadian customs (CBSA) requires all importers to register under the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management or CARM.This project has gone through various phases of implementation. The final phase of mandatory registration is now.

CBSA demands all importers register in the CARM system.

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The CARM required for all imports to Canada

CARM Registration flow chart-1

To put it simply, if you import goods to Canada you must register for CARM.These steps are also required for Non Resident Importers (NRI).You will need your company’s Business Number (BN9) and importer/exporter program account identifier (example RM0001).
CARM toolkit P2@0.5x-1

Create a CCP business account

Create a CARM Client Portal (CCP) business account now. Watch one of their short instructional videos.

Access CARM Client Portal

Assigning your BAM: Business Account Manager

The first step in registering for CARS is to designate a Business Account Manager or BAM. Your BAM has global access on your behalf and is responsible for assigning access and overall management of the account. All users are required to create their individual portal user accounts using GCKey or Sign-on Partner.

Delegate Authority to Your Customs Broker

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll need to approve the Delegation of Authority to your broker.

Here’s how you can navigate to the Delegation of Authority request in the CCP to approve it:

  • Choose ‘Setup My Portal’ on the main page 
  • Once loaded, select ‘Manage My Business Relationships’
  • Click the ‘Received Requests’ tab 
  • In the table, under ‘Actions’ click on ‘Approve’
  • Select ‘All Programs’ as the access level for FedEx and choose a transaction visibility level that suits your preferences (minimum option: ‘Submitted by … your broker) then click ‘Next’
  • Review the access and transaction levels you have chosen and select ‘Approve’ to complete the process of delegating authority to your broker as your service provider.

Confirm Details with your Customs Broker

Your broker must have the correct company information on file to avoid clearance delays. Best have the following information and advise your broker of any changes

  • CARM Contact Name: [Input] and Email Address: [Input]
  • Full Company (Legal Entity) Name: [Input]
  • Canada Revenue Agency Business Number (BN):Input last 4 digits [e.g., *****1234RM0001]
  • CCP Business Account Created? Y/N
  • Delegation of Authority Granted to your broker? Y/N

Get a bond or post a security deposit

Importers are required to obtain their own financial security to enrol and benefit from Release Prior to Payment (RPP). 

Registering in CARM requires importers to assign a customs broker and to have a surety bond (or deposit) to guarantee payment of duty and taxes.

CARM's Release Prior to Payment (RPP)

RPP program allows release of cleared  imports without paying duty and taxes,   A Release Prior to Payment (RPP) bond links to  an importers business number. This will be required in April 2025. Without an RPP bond, importers will have to pay duties and taxes upfront at the port of entry.

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Shipping Guide For Sending to Canada