ECCF - USA Express Consignment Carrier Facilities
Shipping to the USA via Canada and Direct or direct via ECCF, CFS or Type 86
Express Consignment Carrier Facilities or ECCF's play a critical role for e-commerce parcel importing to the USA. Click here for information on sendingE-commerce shipments to the USA
Jet Worldwide provides consulting services for retailers and shippers seeking e-commerce solutions to the USA.
Note: The official term for an ECCF is Express Consignment Carrier Facility but often the terms "Express Consignment Clearance Facility" and "Express Consignment Courier Facility" are used interchangeably when referring to an ECCF.
Express consignment Carrier Facilities / ECCF's are bonded warehouses with an ability to manage high volume parcel import flows using. FedEx, UPS and DHL operate versions of ECCF's (with the added function of being able to operate as hubs).
See note below on new low value clearance process (section 321 type 86) for cargo and ECCF clearance. E-commerce shippers to the USA are looking for ways to access express consignment clearance and use low cost USPS/ parcel post delivery.
Express Consignment Carrier Facility
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Disclaimer: The information in Jet Worldwide online content, including this post, is for general information only.
Shipping to the USA via Canada
Canada is a fantastic entry point for e-commerce shipments to the USA. In many cases, goods to Canada can be imported via Canada's free trade agreements awaiting order from the USA. Contact Jet's Canadian logistics professionals.
Leading post offices, including China Post,La Poste,Deutsche Post, Singapore Post andRoyal Mail, offer low cost parcel post service from Europe and Asia to the USA.
- International Parcel Post systems offer the lowest cost for sending e-commerce parcels to the USA.
- The cost of parcel post delivery to the USA are expected to increase at a greater rate and become less competitive versus the alternatives
- Postal clearances of high volume e-commerce parcel flows to the USA have been proven to be inconsistent with common delays during critical holiday periods.
E-commerce parcels to the USA via FedEx and UPS
FedEx and UPS are essentially the only private nationwide delivery networks in the USA. Although they have sophisticated networks across the USA, they tend to be inflexible and expensive.
Send e-commerce parcels direct to a USA/ ECCF
The role of an ECCF for High Volume Parcel Flows to the USA:
E-commerce companies with high Volume parcel flows to the USA can take advantage of domestic ground systems in the USA by utilizing strategically located ECCF's.
- Send e-commerce parcels direct to key USA ECCF's
- Obtain duty free clearance usually the same day as arrival
- Send e-commerce parcels for delivery via US Postal Service or regional carrier
ECCF + Postal Delivery
Combining the use of an ECCF with a postal delivery provides a unique, cost effective solution. Doing so also provides more control and options for the reverse logistics processes.
View Video: Understanding Section 321 Entries
How to Access an Express Consignment Carrier Facility/ ECCF:
The system works as follows:
- Arrange for air freight line-hauls to ECCF's.
- Establish a method to transmit manifest data/ electronic manifest to meet “Air AMS” requirements.
- Arrange with a US customs broker who specializes in high volume parcel import to the USA.
- Establish methods of domestic distribution (integrator, USPS, or regional carrier)
High Volume USA E-Commerce Import
Most important in the process of accessing an ECCF is to find the right partner and customs brokers. Jet Worldwide has access to the leading independent clearance facilities in the USA.
Customs clearance of e-commerce parcels generally cleared as follows:
- Low value/ Under $800 (section 321)
- Informal Entry ($801 to $2,500 in value)
- Formal Entry (over $2,500 in value)
- Entries requiring “other government agencies”
By far the most common entry type for E.C.C.F's are "Section 321" do not require H.S. Codes and cleared duty free
What is Section 321?
US Customs allows most individual orders valued under $800 USD to be entered and cleared duty free into the USA. This entry type is known as a Section 321 Informal Entry. Using this entry type, importers can consolidate all their qualifying orders under one entry without H.S. Codes and benefit from duty free entry.
Most goods cleared via a section 321 informal entry are imported under Part 128 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). As such, they are imported to facilities with port codes that define them as Express facilities or ECCF's. Many express operators are also able to clear via freight facilities (with section 321 processes) known as a Container Freight Station or CFS.
For importers who have H.S. codes, it may be best to use a Section 321 "type 86" entry. Using this entry type, goods can be imported via traditional methods using the Automated Broker Interface or ABI system.
Consolidated Entries:
Most traditional customs brokers do not have access to express clearance processes and not able to clear high volume e-commerce imports. Brokers who specialize inexpress consignment regulations are able to prepare consolidated entry for e-commerce parcels to the USA.
PDF: Review of Types of Entries for USA Customs
With the growth of e-commerce and increasing postal rates, e-commerce shippers increasingly are contacting us to develop high volume parcel import processes to the USA using an express consignment facility/ ECCF and processes. Jet Worldwide's experts can help guide you through the process and set up your direct connection to the USA domestic delivery market.
Section 321 and other US Partner Government Agencies
Certain categories of goods require approval from other Government agencies. This complicates access to section 321 entries.
PDF presentation of Partner Government Agencies
Contact Jet to help build best in class cross border e-commerce logistics.