Importing e-commerce orders to Canada is growing with new technologies and import processes. It is important for both e-commerce sellers and buyers to understand the potential imports costs to Canada.
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Importing e-commerce orders to Canada is growing with new technologies and import processes. It is important for both e-commerce sellers and buyers to understand the potential imports costs to Canada.
Speed Versus Cost: Best practices for E-Commerce Imports to the USA. Dependable low cost parcel logistics supply chains rely on multiple processes including express clearance (ECCF), cargo parcel import (CFS), single importer of record (Section 321 type 86), and Canadian cross border solutions.
Cross border E-commerce merchants have to balance the need for lowest cost with secure timely delivery. Jet helps companies uncover the best practices.
Simplified duty fee import for e-commerce parcels
A growing number of Asian and European E-commerce retailers are seeking to develop direct import processes to the USA. The need for e-commerce parcels import solutions are the result of internet technologies enabling a direct connection between the buyer and seller. Duty free section 321 type 86 clearance is possible for ocean freight parcels.
Express Consignment Carrier Facilities or ECCF's play a critical role for e-commerce parcel importing to the USA. Click here for information on sendingE-commerce shipments to the USA
Due to greatly increased interest in finding parcel solutions from Asia to the USA, we have decided to repost this blog article with the commonly downloaded graphic that helps explain the low cost parcel post costs from China to the USA.
Topics: e-commerce, parcel delivery from china
Jet Worldwide provides solutions to American and international retailers who are searching for new ways to take advantage of a new law that raises the threshold for duty free importation to $800 US. Sellers can ship direct to the USA using multiple ports of entry and a combination of entry types.
Clearance as easy as 321? Online sellers should become familiar with direct clearance options to the USA including express, cargo and type 86 Section 321 entries.
Importing e-commerce orders to Canada is growing with new technologies and import processes. It is important for both online sellers and buyers to understand the potential imports costs to Canada.
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