Shipping packages to the USA From Canada: 3 things to consider

More Canadian companies are sending parcels to the United States then ever before and the US border can seem "so close but yet so far."

Jet Canada offers logistics support and delivery services to and from Canada North America


Complete Shipping Guide: Importing to the USA

1. Understanding the necessary documentation to the USA

Although Canada and the USA are the world's largest trading partners, much of the "free trade" is in large commodities. Parcel clearance from Canada do not enjoy special treatment from US Customs are are subject to the same regulations as parcels imported to the USA from anywhere else.

US Customs Clearance for Parcels Shipped from Canada

The most important - and simplest - part of Customs clearance is ensuring that your shipment is accompanied by the correct paperwork. Most fundamental is an "invoice for customs." If the goods are not actually sold, you still need to list the same information is what is referred to as a "pro-forma invoice."

Invoice /pro-forma invoice for US CustomsThe basics elements of an invoice for US CBP clearance include:
      • Date of shipment
      • Name, address telephone number of shipper
      • Name, address telephone number of consignee
      • Detailed description of item(s) being sent
      • Value of the item(s)

Other paperwork required for US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) clearance for shipments from Canada include:

B-13 CERS Export Declaration to the USA is NOT required
A Canadian B-13 export declaration is not required when sending shipments to the USA from Canada.

Prior Notice for food items:
When sending foodstuffs to the USA, you must first register with the United States Food and Drug Administration. All foodstuffs sent to the USA must include a “Prior Notice” authorization number. It is commonly referred as the “PN Number”. This number must be included on the invoice. A copy of the confirmation (which can be obtained from the FDA website) should be included with the shipment.
Certificate of Origin for duty free shipments from Canada to USA

If you wish for your parcel to be cleared duty free, the paperwork must include a USMCA certification of origin.


US CBP Form 3325 for Trade Show Items
Many shipments shipped from Canada are for trade shows in Las Vegas, Orlando, and across the USA. For shipping Trade Show related items to the USA from Canada, such as displays, you should include a Customs Form 3325.

Jet Worldwide Canada provides special dedicated USA Trade Show Services - including dedicated time specific pickup/ delivery, repacking etc.

Paperwork for “Other Government Agencies”
There are over 40 US government departments that have unique requirements necessary for your goods from Canada to the USA. In fact, US CBP clearance is often just one part of the clearance process.

The most common of the “other government agencies” involved in clearance of Canadian parcels include:

    • Department of Transportation (DOT)
    • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
    • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • Fish and Wildlife

2. The Value of Your Parcel effects the USA Clearance Process
Besides the classification of the item being sent from Canada, the biggest influence on the clearance process is the value of your shipment. Read about principles of valuation for international shipping.

Customs entries can be broadly defined in 3 categories:

  • Under $800 USD: Most shipments valued under $800 can be cleared duty free. This type of entry is referred to as a "section 321 CBP entry."
  • Over $800 but less than $2,500: Informal CBP Entry
  • Over $2,500: Formal CBP Entry

3. Canadian parcel delivery options when shipping to the USA:

jet-logo-vector-post-indiciaDelivery to the USA via Canada Post:

Lowest cost option for small “packets” to the USA. Canada Post becomes less cost effective as shipments get heavier than around 2 kg/ 4 pounds.

Delivery to the USA from Canada via FedEx and UPS
FedEx and UPS are the largest private carriers in the USA and the only two companies with national door to door coverage. FedEx and UPS USA ground service from Canada is the most cost effective for larger parcels.

FedEx and UPS shipping options to the USA Include:

  • Next day time specific delivery early, afternoon, late afternoon
  • Second day economy air
  • Ground / expedited
  • Get a comparison quote for your shipment to the US

USA parcel delivery when shipping via Purolator:

Purolator is the Canadian domestic carrier. For parcel shipments to the USA, Purolator uses partner carriers, such as UPS.


Jet Canada Parcel Delivery to the USA

  • Jet Worldwide is a trusted brand that has been providing international shipping solutions for over 35 years.
  • Jet Worldwide provides options for shipping between Canada and the USA for parcels, pallets and online orders.
  • Jet Worldwide offers transparency and world class logistics support. We are not shy about recommending alternative solutions as necessary (which is often ground carriers). Contact Jet.

jet-worldwide-logo-stripJet Worldwide's economy express and logistics support to the USA from Canada

    • Customs Clearance
    • Border crossing to USPS (high volumes required)
    • Reverse logistics