Canadian flag with Jet Worldwide logo and headline

Ship Ottawa to the USA

As the capital of a country that depends on international trade, international shipments from Ottawa- Gatineau to the US and overseas are seeing incredible growth. Along with the government sector, technology companies (led by Shopify) will contribute the most to export parcels to the United States, Europe and around the world. Companies based in Ottawa-Gatineau rely on low cost parcel shipping solutions for delivery to the US.

Best shipping from Ottawa Gatineau for delivery to the USA.

Jet Worldwide shares our logistics expertise (as evidenced by our industry leading blog articles) and global parcel shipping solutions: Including shipping to the US from Ottawa. For professional insights, a comparison quote or "out of the box" solution, Contact Jet's logistics professionals.


Complete Shipping Guide: Importing to the USA

So close… but yet so far…

Even with the renewed NAFTA - USMCA, shipping to the US from Canada require full regulatory compliance with US customs (US-CBP) and other US government agencies.

Things to consider when shipping

fromOttawa Gatineau to The USA

Documentation for shipping Ottawa to the USA

At a minimum, all parcels shipped to the US from Ottawa - Gatineau Canada must be accompanied by an invoice for customs clearance.

The basic elements of an invoice for customs include:

  • Date of shipment
  • Name, address and telephone number of shipper
  • Name, address and telephone number of consignee
  • Detailed description of item(s) being sent
  • Value of the item(s)

Keep in mind that some categories of items (such as food and drugs) may require additional information (see below).


Shipping Declaration to USA via Canada Post.

When sending from Canada to the USA via parcel post, a postal customs form (CN22) must be completed. Canada Post shipments to the US are imported and delivered by the US Postal Service (USPS). Contact Jet for assistance with your customs paperwork for your parcel to The US.

Other shipping documentation that may be required for parcels shipped from Canada to the USA may include the following:

CERS/ B-13 Export Declaration:

A Canadian export declaration is not required when shipping parcels to the USA from Canada.

Prior Notice (FDA PN) for food items from Canada to The US

When sending foodstuffs to the USA, you must first register with the United States Food and Drug Administration. All foodstuffs sent to the USA must include a “Prior Notice” authorization number.

Commonly referred as the “PN Number," this number must be included on the invoice along with a copy of the confirmation (which can be obtained from the FDA website).

Certificate of Origin for Items to enter duty free under USMCA

Goods that were manufactured in Canada may qualify for duty free entry under USMCA. The origin‑certification process (that is no longer a prescribed form) is to include a set of data on the shipping paperwork (most commonly including on the invoice).

The data elements required at a minimum to claim origin underCUSMA:

  1. Importer/exporter or producer (indicate which is certifier)
  2. Name and address of certifier or
  3. Name and address of exporter or
  4. Name and address of producer
  5. Name and address of importer (if known)
  6. Description and harmonized system (HS) tariff classification of the good
  7. Specific origin of criteria
  8. Blanket period (certification is valid up to 12months in the case of multiple shipments of identical goods)
  9. Authorized signature and date

Check out theCanadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) pagethat describes the new requirements for more information and an example of a valid CUSMA certification oforigin.

Read more about USMCA CUSMA

US customs Form 3325 for Trade Show Items

If you wish to send Trade Show related items, such as displays, you must include a Customs Form 3325.

Note: Jet Worldwide provides special dedicated Trade Show Services - including dedicated time specific pickup/ delivery, repacking etc.

Paperwork for “Other Government Agencies”

There are over 40 US government departments that have unique requirements necessary for your goods to clear customs. The most common of the “other government agencies” involved in clearance of your goods include:

  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Fish and Wildlife


Customs entries can be broadly defined in 3 categories.  Understanding low value duty free import to the USA.

  • Parcels shipped to the US valued under $800 USD: Section 321
  • Parcels to the US over $800 but less than $2,500 US: Informal entry
  • US Parcels from Canada valued over $2,500 US: Formal Entry


Carrier shipping options

From Gatineau - Ottawa for delivery to the USA

The main options for sending parcels to the US from Canada include Canada Post (least expensive for small items), Fedex/ UPS (Good ground service but expensive express), Jet Worldwide economy express parcel shipping to the USA and special services), and direct cross border shipping.

Sending with Canada Post from Gatineau-Ottawa to the USA:

Canada post is the preferred option for individuals shipping small parcels and personal items to the USA.

USPS canada Post

Canada Post Parcel Delivery options to The USA include:

For parcels to The US under 2 kg

  • Canada Post Small Packet - USA Air
  • Canada Post Tracked Packet - USA: 1-2 week delivery

For parcel post shipping of larger parcels

  • Canada Post Expedited Parcel - USA: 1 week delivery
  • Canada Post Xpresspost - USA: Up to 3 business days

Canada Post shipments are delivered by the US Postal Service with limited customer support.

Delivery from Canada to the USA via FedEx Canada & UPS Canada

FedEx and UPS dominate the market for delivery to the USA and offer reliable ground and air transport from Canada to the USA. While their ground services offer great value, their air express services can be expensive for small and medium sized Canadian companies.

Get a comparison quote on shipping Ottawa to USA.

FedEx Ground and UPS Standard US Delivery from Canada

The ground delivery options from FedEx and UPS offer the lowest price - especially for larger parcels valued under $800 USD. Delivery via ground to most areas of the US are delivered within 6 business days.

For ground shipments above $800, FedEx and UPS charge an entry preparation fee which can average between US$30 and US$40 (plus applicable duty and taxes). The entry preparation cost is included for most shipments sent via express from Canada to the US.

FedEx Canada and UPS Canada express US delivery

FedEx and UPS have the largest overnight delivery options from Canada to the USA. To major cities, they offer next day morning, afternoon and delivery before close of business. While reliable and well known, their express services can be expensive for small and medium sized businesses.

Clearance of ground shipments to The USA from Canada:

For most shipments valued under $800 to the USA from Canada, ground service includes clearance (see note above on valuation). Ground service is especially cost effective for heavier parcels to the USA.

Contact Jet's team for ground LTL information.

square call to action with the words "click to Ship" and Jet Worldwide logo

Sending from Quebec to the US via Jet Worldwide

  • Jet Worldwide provides options for shipping between Canada and the USA for parcels, pallets and online orders.
  • Jet Worldwide offers transparency and world class logistics support. We are not shy about recommending alternative solutions as necessary. Contact Jet

Jet worldwide offers delivery and logistics support between Canada and the USA.

Purolator Delivery to the USA from Canada:

Purolator does not have a major presence in the USA and resells the services of other carriers for their deliveries to the USA (mostly UPS).
