Shipping Canada from France: Carriers, CBSA and CETA
France is the world’s fifth-largest economy, Europe’s third largest economy and enjoys a special relationship with Canada. The opportunity for French and Quebec and Canada based online sellers is enormous and can benefit from the duty free low value thresholds and the Canadian European free trade Agreement (CETA).
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In this blog, we review the following things to consider when shipping from France to Canada
- Common carrier options when shipping Canada from France
- Information required for a shipping quote between France and Canada
- CBSA import clearance to Canada for goods from France
- CETA Free Trade for France origin parcels shipped to Canada
Disclaimer: The information in this blog is for general information only.
Carrier Options for Shipping Canada from France
Shipping Canada from France via Colissimo International
Colissimo is a parcel post product and is the preferred option for indviduals shipping small parcels and personal items to Canada from France.
Colissimo International To Canada
- 3-8 day delivery to Quebec and Canada
- Zone C
Shipping via Chrono Express Monde to Canada
Chrono Express is an express service of Chronopost to Canada that utilizes agents such as FedEx.
Chrono Express Monde from France
- 1-5 day delivery to Montreal and Canada
- Zone 5
Shipments sent via La Poste France are imported and delivered via Canada Post.
Shipping to Canada via UPS and FedEx France:
FedEx and UPS are North America's dominant carriers and FedEx operates a major hub from CDG near Paris. Both carriers, along with DHL, offer air express and economy delivery options to Quebec and Canada from Paris, Lyon and all France.
FedEx and UPS France shipping options to Canada include:
- International express priority air to Canada
- International economy air shipping to Canada
- See section below: Information required for shipping quote between France and Canada
Shipping between France and Canada via Jet Worldwide
- Jet Worldwide is a trusted brand that has been providing international shipping solutions for over 35 years
- Jet Worldwide offers options for shipping between Canada and France for parcels, pallets and online orders
- Jet Worldwide offers transparency, logistics support and we are not shy about recommending alternative solutions as necessary. Contact Jet.
Shipping France to the USA via Quebec, Canada
Shipments from France can also be transited to the USA via cross border section 321 processes. Contact Jet's North American logistics professionals for details.
Canadian Import Clearance for Goods Shipped from France
As mentioned above, items sent from France to Canada are subject to Canadian Customs (CBSA) clearance. Most parcels valued under CA$20 can be cleared duty and tax free. Consignments valued under CA $3,300 can be cleared via commercial Low Value System (LVS).
Duty free CETA to Canada from France
Most Favoured Nation (MFN) tariff rates are generally applicable for good traded between Europe and Canada. Goods that meet The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) rules of origin can benefit from preferential duty free import. The MFN tariff rates of Canada and E.U. members apply to goods that do not meet the rules of origin (non-originating goods) under CETA.
Country origin rules are associated with factors used to determine if the product is eligible for preferential duty free treatment under CETA. The good news for shippers is that CETA rules don’t require a formal certificate in order to obtain tariff benefits. A declaration on the invoice or any other commercial document accompanying the shipment is enough.
See sample form to declaration of origin (Fillable PDF to download). Note that while the regulations do not mandate a specific format, it is recommended to include both a separate declaration form as well as a certification statement on the invoice (and other shipping documents) to ensure preferential duty free consideration at time of import.
The required origin declaration may be provided on an invoice or any other commercial document which describes the originating product in sufficient detail to enable its identification. In order to claim the preferential tariff treatment, importers must have in their possession the origin declaration completed by the exporter as well as any necessary permits.
Proof of origin requirements under Canada's free trade agreements
The value for duty amount for all of Canada's free trade agreements (including from France via CETA) for which the proof of origin / certificate of origin is waived was changed to $3,300 CAD in July 2020. This change was made to harmonize the regulations with the new NAFTA/ CUSMA.
For imports not exceeding $3,300 to Canada, the requirement for proof of origin is waived. The requirement on the importer to maintain records (for example, commercial invoice and B3) applies even if the CBSA does not require a certification of origin or if a requirement for a certification of origin has been waived.
The CETA country of origin declaration has a specific wording, which is fairly straight forward (check with up to date regulations before shipping).
Required CETA country of origin declaration can include the following:
The CETA origin declaration to Canada from France must include the following wording. Footnotes are provided for explanation (but do not meant to be included in the required wording). The origin declaration, the text of which is given below, must be completed in accordance with the footnotes (see below).
(Period: from___________ to __________(1))
The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorization No___________________ (2)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of___________________ (3) preferential origin.
___________________ (4) (Place and date)
___________________ (5) (Signature and printed name of the exporter)
CETA Footnotes for duty free shipping from France to Canada
These notes are used to explain the fields required above. They do not have to be included in the actual origin statement.
- When the origin declaration is completed for multiple shipments of identical originating products within the meaning of Article 19.5, indicate the period of time for which the origin declaration will apply. The period of time must not exceed 12 months. All importations of the product must occur within the period indicated. Where a period of time is not applicable, the field can be left blank.
- For EU exporters: When the origin declaration is completed by an approved or registered exporter the exporter's customs authorization or registration number must be included. A customs authorization number is required only if the exporter is an approved exporter. When the origin declaration is not completed by an approved or registered exporter, the words in brackets must be omitted or the space left blank. For Canadian exporters: The exporter's Business Number assigned by the Government of Canada must be included. Where the exporter has not been assigned a business number, the field may be left blank.
- "Canada/EU" means products qualifying as originating under the rules of origin of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. When the origin declaration relates, in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla, the exporter must clearly indicate the symbol "CM".
- These indications may be omitted if the information is contained on the document itself.
- Article 19.3 provides an exception to the requirement of the exporter's signature. Where the exporter is not required to sign, the exemption of signature also implies the exemption of the name
Reverse Logistics from Canada to France
French companies doing business in Quebec and Canada can rely on Jet for dependable return options. Jet has flexible cost-effective processes for your shipments that need a return destination and process centre. Contact Jet's Canadian team to provide Canadian return processes for your Canadian orders.
Get a Quote Shipping between France and Canada
Jet Worldwide makes it easy for companies seeking for spot quotes for economy air shipping between Canada and France (and the EU). Contact Jet's logistics team: If you are seeking pricing for regular shipping volumes, helpful details include actual and projected volume of shipments, item(s) commonly shipped, common shipment weight and dimensions, origin of shipments and and common destinations.
Shipping from France to Canada
Jet Worldwide helps both French and Quebec companies access the Canadian and French market via warehousing and domestic distribution solutions. Contact Jet for rates on shipping to Canada and from Canada to France and European Union countries.
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