Exporting Masks and Medical from China Export Update
Canadian companies who wish to support the efforts to secure medical goods and support items from China should be aware of China export requirement. The Chinese government came out with significant regulations recently to ensure the quality of medical devices exported from China. PPE shipments are still in demand from China.
Jet has received a large number of requests for shipping medical supplies and support items from China to Canada. Managing demands for air shipping from China is difficult due to airlift capacity and peak demand. Medical goods that are not otherwise regulated by the Chinese FDA are the target of the new export regulations.
IMPORTANT! Shipping Advice for Export of Medical Supplies from China. Major carriers in China pre-check processes of shipping documents for medical supplies exported from China.
The pre-check process can take up to five business days. In most cases, the pre-approval is required prior to pickup.
Shipments of medical items including gowns, gloves and masks from China to Canada are complicated further by export requirements. Common medical Devices Exported from China include:
- COVID-19 test kits
- Ventilators
- Infrared thermometers
- Surgical/medical masks for face
- Medical Protective Cloth/ PPE
Update of Shipping Medical Supplies: Canada from China
As part, the continuous measures to control the quality of export medical goods, China Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM), Customs and State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR) jointly published a new decree effective April2020. The mandate focuses on controlling face masks (non medical) and medical devices not already controlled / registered by China FDA.
Diverting Ocean shipping with Air Import
- Ocean shipping delays are impacting transit times from China to the USA
- Industry experts do not expect the ocean shipping capacity will normalize until capacity comes on line in the next 2 years
- Air freight is the best option for shipping critical supplies
Non-medical face masks must meet prescribed quality standards prior to being exported.
1. If face masks follow China quality standards: The exporter must check if the manufacturer is in SAMR enterprise “blacklist” which can be found on the SAMR website:
1a. If on the “blacklist”, shipment can’t be exported.
1b. If not in the “blacklist”, shipment can be accepted. CN exporter and importer at destination need to sign a joint declaration( attachment 1) as supporting document for export customs declaration
2. Face masks that follow Canadian quality standards, the exporter needs to ensure the manufacturer is in the MOFCOM “face mask white list”
2a. If in the “white list”, shipment can be accepted. The Chinese exporter and Canadian importer must sign a joint declaration affirming the export customs declaration
2b.If not in the “white list”, shipment can’t be exported
Exporters must confirm that the medical device is registered with the China FDA:
- For medical devices registered in China FDA, there is no impact from the new decree. Just follow the existing process
- For medical device not registered in China FDA: the exporter needs to check if the manufacturer is in the MOFCOM “medical device white list”
a.) If in the “white list”, shipment can be accepted. CN exporter needs to provide “Export declaration of medical supplies” as supporting document for export customs declaration
b.) If not in the “white list”, shipment can’t be exported