Shipping E-Commerce Orders Direct to Japan from Canada and the USA
Shipping direct to Japan is among the many opportunities available to international cross-border e-commerce retailers. Japanese consumers are large participants in the online marketplace and have an affinity for Canadian brands.
Ease of use, convenient delivery and popular payment methods are critical when it comes to successful shipping. Japanese consumers are conscientious of value and demand style and high-quality products. It is important for Canadian retailers to meet the local market demands and set up secure parcel import and delivery processes.
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Online Platforms in Japan
The leading online platforms in Japan include Rakuten, Amazon Japan and Yahoo. Rakuten is the largest platform, serving over 90 million members. It's market is dynamic and direct retail via online portals (versus platforms), presenting a growing opportunity for North American retailers. Japanese consumers love to shop online for Canadian and American brands.
Jet Worldwide is developing solutions for online sellers using Shopify and other platforms. Contact our team for updates on our upcoming shipping services to Japan, UK, Europe, Caribbean and South America.
Commonly Accepted Payment Methods in Japan
In addition to payment by credit card, other popular payment methods include paying at one of Japan's 50 000 + convenience stores and payment on delivery. For orders from Canadian retailers, payment by credit card is the most logical option. However, the development of alternative payment methods will enhance a site's credibility and sales potential.
Shipping Online Orders Direct from Canada and the USA to Japan
The solutions for online e-commerce shipping to Japan can be broken down into two categories: in-country solutions and direct shipping.
In-Country Shipping Solutions to Japan from Canada
Logistics professionals of all levels are aware of shipping solutions from Canada. These solutions include well known brands such as FedEx, UPS, Canada Post and USPS. FedEx and UPS having the highest level of tracking and integration, while the postal services have the lowest cost for shipments under 2 kg.
Direct Shipping to Japan from the USA via USPS
Major US retailers are looking to diversify from the USPS for their online orders for Japan. The USPS offer has been disrupted by commercial airlift capacity restrictions, greater oversight of clearance processes and price increases related to new Universal Postal Union (UPU) guidelines.
USPS Shipping International Package options to Japan include:
- First-Class Package International Service / FCPIS
- International Priority Airmail (IPA)
- International Surface Air Lift (ISAL)
Shipping Direct to Japan via Canada Post
Canada post offers access to Japan via their UPU postal partner, Japan Post. Canada Post services have also been disrupted by commercial airlift capacity restrictions and increased costs.
Jet Worldwide can provide both in-country shipping solutions from Canada to Japan and dedicated direct logistics processes for higher-volume online orders from leading American and Canadian retailers.
Shipping Direct to Japan from Canada and the USA
With the growth in volume of international online orders, it is increasingly possible - and necessary - to ship directly to major markets from North America. Japan is a major market for online orders from Canada and the USA, along with the EU and the UK.
American and Canadian companies can maximize their Japanese e-commerce opportunities by developing a Japanese-language website and connecting with a Japanese partner. To avoid distribution costs, North American companies can develop direct cross border e-commerce import processes.
The Japanese E-Commerce Market
Despite incredible growth, Japan's e-commerce market still makes up less than 10% of the total retail market. The growth of international orders from the USA and Canada will continue to grow with a focus on Japanese consumers’ taste and style demands.
Japanese retailers are gaining trust of international orders as consumers of all ages are increasingly shopping on international sites.
Leading cross-border online order categories from Canada include: travel-related products clothing, footwear, electronics and furniture. Japanese consumers are known to discriminate and make purchase decisions based on value, quality and style.
Logistics: A Key to Japanese E-Commerce Market Success
Having secure, scalable processes is critical for successful shipping to Japan. Having direct shipping processes allows retailers to adapt more quickly, lower shipping costs and provide more responsive reverse logistics.
Disclaimer: The information in this blog is for general information only. Producers, shippers, exporters, importers should confirm their processes with their customs brokers, carriers and regulating authorities.