Canada Post Strike: Alternatives to Consider
Find Delivery Options via a Canada Post Strike
As the calendar inches closer to the holiday season, a looming uncertainty hangs over Canadians and businesses nationwide. The Canada Post strike is a significant disruption affecting countless businesses. Jet an assist with rates via alternative carriers. We can also assist high volume shippers businesses with adjustments via API system and other solutions.
Canada Post Strike Situation At Hand
Canada Post is at an impasse with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). Get shipping rates.
The Ripple Effects
The prospect of a strike has set off a chain reaction, with businesses and individuals scrambling for alternatives. Courier services like Jetship, FedEx, UPS, and Purolator are seeing a significant uptick in interest. These services are preparing for a potential surge in demand. However, it's not as simple as switching providers. For many, particularly small businesses reliant on Canada Post's affordable rates, finding an alternative could be a a financial strain.
- For instance, the flat rate charged by Canada Post for a small to medium box is between $20 and $25. However, large shippers have significant discounts.
- The flat rate for commercial carriers is 10% to 20% higher
- Purolator, a division of Canada post, could be the best alternative. Contact our team for rates.
- Other alternatives include e-commerce carriers such as Intelcom and Unini
Sample costs via Jetship: Economy Air
JetPak up to 2 kg chargeable weight:
- USA: Economy Express : $47
- Europe/ UK: $89
- Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore: $96
Potential Cost Implications of Postal Strike
Should the switch to alternate courier services become a necessity, Canadians may face an unavoidable increase in shipping costs. Compared to Canada Post's rates, alternatives may come at a premium charge. With the holiday season on the horizon, this could translate to higher expenses for businesses and possibly, increased prices for consumers.
The Bigger Picture
The potential strike at Canada Post highlights the fragility of our reliance on singular services for critical needs. Even if the strike does not happen, shippers should diversify their options.
Moving Forward
As negotiations continue, the hope for an amicable resolution remains. Yet, businesses and individuals must prepare for all possible outcomes. Exploring alternatives, understanding the cost implications, and staying informed are crucial steps in navigating this uncertain terrain.
In the meantime, the saga serves as a reminder of the essential role postal services play in our daily lives and the collective hope that this disruption will be a brief hiccup in an otherwise smooth holiday season.