Canada Post Alternatives for e-commerce Parcel Delivery

We often get inquiries from Canadians shippers who are seeking an alternative to Canada Post for reasons linked primarily to service and shipping costs.

Canadian companies and especially online sellers rely on Canada Post for low cost parcel delivery within Canada, to the USA and internationally.

Jet Worldwide has direct shipping solutions for online orders from Canada to the UK, France, Germany and EU, Japan, China and all the world's major economies. Contact our team for details for best in class direct shipping solutions for online orders from Canada.

jet-secure-ship-GLOBAL EXPORT VECTORExpand your cross border opportunity 

A trusted brand for over 40 years. Save more by utilizing the best shipping modes and processes. Strengthening your transportation team - even if you are a team of one!  Contact our team for an initial consultation.

Consolidate and zone jump direct to leading markets worldwide.

Disclaimer: The information in Jet Worldwide online content, including this post, is for general information only.

Ship From Canada


Shipping Guide For Sending to Canada

Parcel Shipping Options Within Canada

We recommend maintaining a link with Canada Post as they remain the leader for low cost delivery of small parcels within Canada. The parcel options within Canada include:

Contactez-nous Calculez les tarifs d'expédition

Shipping online orders and Parcels to the USA.

To the USA, shippers can utilize pre-labelling and direct shipping to USPS. The challenge for shipping direct with the USPS is having sufficient volumes and cross border "section 321" processes can be restrictive. Jet can assist with our economy express shipping, reverse logistics and other support options but often we find the best alternatives are UPS and FedEx ground to the USA.

Jet Worldwide offers parcel international and Canadian parcel delivery options

Complete Shipping Guide: Importing to the USA

ECOMMERCE-CONVEYER- JETShipping international online orders and Parcels from Canada

Increasingly, Canadian sellers are expanding beyond Canada and the USA and searching for direct shipping solutions to Japan, UK, France, Germany (and other EU Countries), and other major economies.

Énvoyer France Direct

Canada Post "packet" Service: Lowest Cost for e-commerce parcels

Canada Post "international packet" services are available to most major destinations for parcels under 2 kg/ 4 pounds. The service is the cost leader and usually offered via surface, air and "tracked packets." The tracked packet usually provides delivery within 2 weeks.


International shipping to and from Canada

  • Jet Worldwide: A trusted brand offering international shipping for over 35 years!
  • Jet Worldwide offers options for shipping for parcels, pallets, and world class solutions for shipping online orders
  • Jet Worldwide offers transparency and logistics support. We are not shy to recommend alternative options that are better suited for your needs.

E-Commerce: Consolidate and Ship Direct to Europe

Shipping International Online Orders Direct from Canada

Jet Worldwide provides Shopify, eBay and other "non Amazon" sellers to ship their orders direct to Japan, UK, France, Germany and other EU Countries, as well as China. We offer these services to higher volume shippers and will expanding our platform and make it available to all online sellers in Canada and the USA.

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